Major General Albin Wheeler, Commander, Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)

I believe this book to be a significant contribution to Army and national history. Jeremy has done himself and all the soldiers of the 11th Airborne good with his writing.
About MG Wheeler:
Enlisted, United States Army, 1952; commissioned 2nd Lieutenant, United States Army, 1959; advanced through grades to major general, United States Army, 1982; commander division spt. command, chief of staff, 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, Kansas, 1978-1980; deputy commander, United States Army Logistics Center, Fort Lee, Virginia, 1980-1981; chief Executive officer, Army Air Force Exch. Svc.-Europe, Munich, 1981-1983; commander, 2d Spt. Command, VII United States Corps, Germany, 1983-1985; president, Industrial College Armed Forces, Washington, 1985-1989; director human resources, Army Materiel Command, Washington, 1989-1991; Chief Executive Officer, Army and Air Force Exch. Svc., Dallas, 1991-1993; retired, United States Army, 1993; executive director, Arent Fox Kitner Plotkin & Kahn, Washington, 1993-1996.